

Last night I dreamt that I got trained to fly a jet. It was a small red jet, about the size of a couch cushion and barely held any fuel. Three of us got trained together and the three jets couldnt go anywehere without each other. After our training (2 random people from my church in real life and myself) we decided to fly somewhere for a vacation. We couldn't go far due to not being able to carry much fuel, so we went to a beach resort in California.
All the lifeguards and resort staff were Les Schwab employees (where my husband works in real life). For some reason in my dream, I had been 86'd from the resort- banned so I had to sneak in since everyone knew me- being that I knew them from when they worked at Les Schwab. I ended up at the pool on the resort where my oldest daughter was swimming with a couple we had met in real life while on our real family vacation. One of the other jet pilots reminded me at the pool that I couldnt drink any alcohol and fly a jet. I agreed and we started our trip home while the Vacation Couple watched our kids.
I'm dreaming a lot about vacations, it must mean rest of some sort. The three jets clearly represent God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The continual concern for fuel in my dream makes me wonder if it is symbolic for the fuel that God provides when we stay connected to him. For several months I have been in a spiritual rut. Like in my dream, I can't go far without fuel: fuel from prayer and reading my word.
Lord, help me to learn to rest in you even when life is hectic; to slow down and enjoy the journey, to actually look at the scenery that I seem to zoom right by. I dont know why this spiritual rut wont pass for me, so please help me to make prayer and my word a priority. Clearly, I cant go far without it. I love you Lord and want to draw nearer. You promise that when we draw near to you that you'll draw near to us... I miss you. Love, Becky


Last night I dreamed that some friends of mine (a couple) had to move out of their house within hours. A few of us friends went over to help. When I got there I found rooms and rooms piled with clothes! The wife was gone, she had gone to the Bahamas for vacation and left all of us to pack up their things.

In my murmuring and complaining about how someone could be so careless as to not even have their things packed before they left for Bahamas, I received a phone call from the bank. One section of the bank had blown up and they wanted us (the customers) to pay for the damages since the insurance wasnt going to cover it. I got into a big fight on the phone with the bank rep telling them they needed to call their insurance company not their customers for help.
My dream was filled with a feeling of frustration and bewilderment.

Not sure of any of this being from God ~ In real life, I had been talking to the wife in my dream during the day, making some "girl time" plans so she may have just been the one on my mind. I also had been dealing with the bank all day in reality and their actual incompetence. Not to mention that before I went to bed, I had finally tackled my mountain of laundry piled high.
Could be all my daily things have got crossed in my dream?... Could God be making me aware of my constant frustration over the little things: the things that really shouldn't be that important, like laundry and bank reps ~ or maybe is it my 6 month pregnancy hormones making more agitated than normal :)

Lord, give me the strength, grace and peace to get through each day. With my ever increasing work load, I don't "feel" like things are getting easier. Give me the wisdom I need to manage my daily routines and keep you Lord in the center.
Help me to be Spirit led and not self led. Thank you that your mercies are fresh and anew everyday. Thank you that your world tells us that we can come BOLDLY to the thrown of grace to obtain that mercy in our time of need. Thank you for creating in me a BOLD spirit. Teach me to use it for your honor and your glory.
In Jesus Name


Where is God taking me TODAY...

My husband and I have decided to go to our first marriage siminar. We have been married barely 2 years and in that time we have moved twice, opened a business, endured lay offs, had 1 baby and will have 2 babies in Oct (we celebrate 2 years in August). So A LOT has taken place in that 2 years of marriage. So much so, that we felt our marriage and building our foundation as a couple, as a team, had been put on the back burner while life rushed by. This year we are focusing on us!

Our dream in life is to some day run a youth home. We'd love to have young men and women up to age 25, live with us on our "ranch" while they get their lives together, learn about Jesus the ultimate healer and become members of society rather than menaces. We know that is a long time off, because our current season is newly married and new parents. But, if we want to go into the waters that God has for us, we know that we cannot build on a makeshift foundation...

As we attended our first marriage introduction class, I was inspired by a speaker. She encouraged us to journal about our dreams. God speaks to her in dreams and if she hadnt kept track of them, she wouldnt have seen how he had been directing her all along when she finally got to one of her many destinations. So here it goes... Click on my FAITH tab to follow me on my 30 Day Dream Journal. I will put each of my dreams in, what I think it means and my prayer for that day about it. I'd love comments and interpretations too, because some of you have the gift of intrepeting like Joseph... See you in dreamland :)