Friday, August 5, 2011

Head Band Craft Day...

My Friend, Emily, and I decided to get together today and create some fun head bands following some tutorials we found online.. Here are my two favorites:

T-shirt flower by Momma Go Round and Little Miss Momma

Little Miss Momma also had a great tutorial on a Pom Pom Headband that I loved...

ALL Little Miss Momma's Tutorials are so cute and easy to follow. If you can't afford to buy a headband... MAKE YOUR OWN like we did... Rather than using a headband for these, I just hot glued them to a clip... Even though I love headbands, I ADORE clips because they can turn into a brooch, a "spice" for your belt, a topping on a plain pair of flats, etc...

Check out my friend Emily to see her different headbands